Stakeholder Management and Communication for Internal Audit Management

– Achieving greater results throughout the audit process –


Communication skills are essential for internal auditors working internationally, across cultures and languages. Each point in the audit process has touchpoints with stakeholders, where cooperation and agreement depend on successful relationships, persuasive audit findings, and communication skills of the auditors.

This workshop focuses on understanding how to communicate with stakeholders including senior management and the Board. Stakeholder needs, effectiveness of relationships and the role of audit are examined. Audit reports, presentations and meetings are examined with a focus on getting cooperation, minimizing the reconciliation process and achieving desired audit results. Discussion and resolution of current pain points, criticisms and challenges will ensure IA management needs are addressed.

Participants are invited to bring samples of audit reports and/or board presentations. A follow-up group web-coaching session may take place two months after the workshop so that participants may ask questions and get feedback on current communication challenges.


  • Learn communication techniques and strategies for the internal audit function
  • Develop strategies to overcome current pain points, criticisms and challenges
  • Increase IA management’s ability to communicate effectively with stakeholders
  • Develop strategies to promote more effective communication within the IA team


  • Communicating in an audit environment
    • Presentation and discussion of relevant communication theories
    • The role of audit within the organisation and impact on communication
  • Influencing stakeholders
    • Getting clarity on stakeholders and their needs
    • Paint points, criticisms and challenges to achieving desired audit results
  • An effective report writing process
    • Impact of language and culture on audit report writing
    • Persuading in writing for auditors
    • Building efficiency into the current audit report writing process
    • Creating a culture of continuous improvement in report writing
  • Managing challenging situations
    • Preparing and delivering a presentation to senior management/the Board
    • Strategies to reduce discussion and increase agreement on findings and recommendations during meetings
    • Resolving disagreements and dealing with objections

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Audit-Championship is a university spin-off. We focus on networking between science and practice. Audit-Championship provides thought leadership and innovative methods to support its customers across all industries in digital transformation. We support audit departments globally as well as national Internal Audit associations with yearly 1.800+ training days and transformation services along an internal audit knowledge value chain.

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