Why participate in the Audit Championship and Summer Training Camp?

  1. You are interested in digital transformation and networking.
  2. Learn the latest Internal Audit Methodology-Know-how.
  3. Try Serious Business Game Training live and experience the motivating effect.
  4. Use the simulations to increase the learning speed.
  5. Think outside the box, learn SMART in disruptive times of digital transformation.

++ Watch the latest videos of the finalists of the audit national teams, click HERE
++ Follow the latest news and insights on LinkedIn, click here for direct forwarding
++ You like to see, what Top 5 Global Internal Audit Leaders say about the motivation of Gamified Training. Click HERE.

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All serious business games at a glance | One click directly to each gamified training

Audit Team Motivation

Diversity Audit

Ethical and responsible perspectives

Acting integrative and value-oriented

Effective team collaboration

Clear goal setting and action plans

Better and effective meetings

Interpersonal Communication

Effective Change Management


Agile Methodologies

Remote Team Management

Creative Thinking

Effective Delegation

Art of Persuasion


Effective Feedback

Goal Orianted Coaching

Managing emotions successfully

Conflict Resolution Strategies

Show assertiveness

Customer Centric Thinking


Create your Own

Leadership Skills

Enhancing Productivity

Create your Own

Anti-Money Laudering

Audit Championship | Smart Learning

The Audit Championship team supports you and your audit team across industries with training and consulting services process-oriented along an internal audit value chain.

Fully on-demand on any end-user medium at any time in hop-on and hop-off mode, available in up to 15 languages.

The Audit Championship team, as one of the leading strategic think tanks in the field of digitalization for audit business education, provides you with advanced training solutions for your internal audit team. Motivate your team members with new forms of learning! Create an attractive incentive system via gamification elements.
++ Learn with game-based didactic methods.
++ Use simulations for experience-based learning.
++ Flexible, intuitive in use, fast and easy in Internal Audit Training.

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