Audit-Sourcing Methodology Regarding Office Services

– solutions for limited resources along with continuous processing of methodology and back-office procedures –


Resources often are limited. However, they are indispensable for the successful development of one’s audit operations and services. ARC supports its clients in mastering these challenges.

The auditor’s assignment is strongly impacted by recurrent evolutionary as well as revolutionary systemic changes that have occurred often in the recent past – both in the world of business in general and with regard to business models. Accordingly, such events necessitate short-term adjustments of audit procedures and timely items of information in order to adapt audit activities as well as the risk-oriented audit landscape.
With regard to executive-management addressees, continuous audit success can be secured with the assistance of appropriate audit-relevant back-office processes and a timely information system for filtering essential and relevant items of information. These aspects of communication apply to the further advancement of the audit landscape as well as that of the audit methodology which is employed.

Within the framework of this particular continuous-consultancy module, ARC supports its clients on the one hand with regard to the customer’s inquiry during analysis and – if necessary – in the restructuring of the client’s audit-relevant back-office and associated methodic processes. On the other hand, ARC provides its clients with an audit-specific portfolio of services which encompasses, among other things:

  • research originating from the company’s global information databases regarding late-breaking and current audit topics,
  • continuous filtering and processing of information relevant to the client’s internal audit operations as well as the respective branch of business,
  • workshops with respect to formulation of audit schedules,
  • continuous courses of instruction regarding audit methodology,
  • formulation and evaluation of quality-management and audit-controlling reports
  • The furnishing of supportive services in the form of information and methodology sourcing allows the client to maintain the continuous status of an up-to-date internal audit operation that is able to act in an anticipatory manner.


  • Starting point: analysis of existing audit processes as well as their interaction with one another
  • Formative options within a modern audit-sourcing environment
  • Diagnosis of existing methodic and audit-relevant back-office processes
  • Formulation of appropriate supportive processes and their related content for the successful reinforcement of primary activities – performance of audit
  • Case studies for active comparison – derived from peer-review audits
  • Installation of a module-oriented audit-knowledge management system for the creation of a learning audit organization
  • Definition of required methodology and information services

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Audit-Championship is a university spin-off. We focus on networking between science and practice. Audit-Championship provides thought leadership and innovative methods to support its customers across all industries in digital transformation. We support audit departments globally as well as national Internal Audit associations with yearly 1.800+ training days and transformation services along an internal audit knowledge value chain.

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Didactics | Methodology

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