Process-Integrated Data Analyses

– custom-tailored defined data analyses parallel to audit-specific procedural patterns –


Among the requirements with regard to economical, efficient and risk-oriented auditing, risk-oriented data-analysis methods can be implemented in a foresighted and process-integrated manner along the added-value internal auditing chain. This facilitates a stabilization of the audit’s success at a high level and enables its substantiation by means of quantitative evidence.

Following an analysis of the audit-specific added-value chain, ARC integrates the risk-oriented data analyses within the client’s respective sub-processes with regard to audit preparation, its performance and concluding tasks. At the same time, the consultancy team employs the results already generated from the second development stage of ARC’s audit data analysis capability maturity model integration (CMMI) process-improvement approach. This enables achievement of the third degree of audit maturity in the form of a process-integrated defined-audit data analysis.

ARC provides support in conducting individual audit examinations as well – enabling its clients to concentrate fully on performance of the essential audit assignment. At the same time, the ARC team’s priority, together with its clients, is to formulate analytic examination steps that can be implemented repeatedly in various audit environments and thus achieve a high degree of utilization. Especially with regard to decentralized location audits of subsidiaries, branches or foreign holdings, the client is able to attain a high degree of comparability within the company for presentation to executive management as the audit report’s addressee. Likewise, focused data analyses enable the client to save operative audit time. Namely, this method enables the audit team to target specific topic areas and individual incidents instead of searching repeatedly for a proverbial needle in the haystack.


  • Analysis of the audit function’s added-value chain
  • Synchronization of time sequences for conducting risk-oriented data analyses parallel to audit sub-processes
  • Structure of process-integrated data analyses according to ARC’s audit data analysis CMMI approach
  • Formulation of defined standard audit scenarios
  • Advanced functions and procedures in data analysis
  • Methods of results preparation and presentation
  • Integration of analyses within a macro container
  • Support regarding integration and implementation of a company-tailored solution
  • Detailed implementation options for practical application by course participants

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Audit-Championship is a university spin-off. We focus on networking between science and practice. Audit-Championship provides thought leadership and innovative methods to support its customers across all industries in digital transformation. We support audit departments globally as well as national Internal Audit associations with yearly 1.800+ training days and transformation services along an internal audit knowledge value chain.

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