Optimizing your effectiveness in Internal Auditing

– 4 parts More than just usual audit techniques – Dr. Rainer Lenz

The Internal Audit Cycle [100 min. 2 CPE]
Building on Theory U (Otto Scharmer, MIT Boston) we will discuss the positioning of internal auditing as enabler of learning and change in an organization. Thereby overcoming the four barriers of learning and change: 1) not to see what we do, 2) not to recognize what we see, 3) not to say what we think, and 4) not to do what we say.

Internal Audit Function Characteristics: Sorting the Wheat from the Chaff [100 min. 2 CPE]
We will discuss the four building blocks that form the basis of internal audit effectiveness: organization, resources, processes, and relationships.
Based on empirical research, there are 14 discriminatory characteristics that can help internal audit effectiveness. We will discuss those characteristics, and jointly explore whether and how they can help you, in your context, to heighten the effectiveness of your internal audit function, and increase your organizational significance going forward.

WRAPS – How to Make Better Decisions [100 min. 2 CPE]
“A trusted advisor is one of the first people you turn to when you have a decision to make, need feedback, or just need an honest appraisal of a situation. It is someone with whom you can freely share information; someone who can help you analyse the current situation; someone who will be honest; and someone who will provide valuable, critical, and constructive advice in times of need” (Mike Jacka, 2019). This workshop will help you improving your decisions. The model WRAP(S) will serve as guidance: Widen your options … Reality-Test your assumptions … Attain distance before deciding … Prepare to be wrong …

Value of Internal Audit [100 min. 2 CPE]
Building on the 2020 publication from Eulerich/Lenz we will discuss how internal auditors define, measure, and communicate the value of internal auditing.


  • Communicating in an audit environment
    • Presentation and discussion of relevant communication theories
    • The role of audit within the organisation and impact on communication
  • Influencing stakeholders
    • Getting clarity on stakeholders and their needs
    • Paint points, criticisms and challenges to achieving desired audit results
  • An effective report writing process
    • Impact of language and culture on audit report writing
    • Persuading in writing for auditors
    • Building efficiency into the current audit report writing process
    • Creating a culture of continuous improvement in report writing
  • Managing challenging situations
    • Preparing and delivering a presentation to senior management/the Board
    • Strategies to reduce discussion and increase agreement on findings and recommendations during meetings
    • Resolving disagreements and dealing with objections

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Audit-Championship is a university spin-off. We focus on networking between science and practice. Audit-Championship provides thought leadership and innovative methods to support its customers across all industries in digital transformation. We support audit departments globally as well as national Internal Audit associations with yearly 1.800+ training days and transformation services along an internal audit knowledge value chain.

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