Metaverse: New risk, new Business Model | Expansion of the audit universe
– Get Future Ready, Internal Audit Training –
Overview Internal Audit Training:
The metaverse is the next current stage of the Internet. This results in new business opportunities for companies as well as customer processes. These new production and customer processes are part of the new audit risk map. In addition, developments in augmented reality in conjunction with the metaverse enable a new working environment for collaboration in the company’s own audit teams as well as for all employees in the company.
In order to be at the cutting edge as an internal auditor and to develop the audit universe optimally and with foresight, it is important to understand the concepts and new work processes of the Metaverse. In doing so, Internal Audit can constructively support management and the Board of Directors in new projects and investments in the Metaverse with pre-implementation audits and appropriate risk assessments.
After this internal audit training, you will know the opportunities and risks that the developments around the metaverse offer for your company. In addition, you will learn about the opportunities for your audit team to work together.
- Prelude: What’s behind the term metaverse?
- What is the financial impact and real investment in the Metaverse?
- What technical developments and end devices are needed to participate in the Metaverse and the business transactions there?
- Real-world examples, use cases:
- JP Morgan and Deutsche Bank’s first bank branches.
- Manufacturing and consumer goods companies Adidas, Gucci, Amazon, Sony, Walmart, IKEA, TESLA
- Which implementation concepts are in use?
- How do the purchase and payment processes work?
- What are the current implementation steps for companies?
- What are the application areas for employees in our company?
- Practical implementations in team collaboration with the help of META as well as Microsoft, among others with the direct practical example Accenture Team Collaboration
- Joint conclusion and road map for practical implementation
Training Team
Ryan Johnson-Hunt, Blockchain and Metverse Educater, Johnson & Hunt New Zealand
Blockchain technology continues to disrupt both industries as well as monetary systems worldwide. Blockchains are at the heart of the next evolution of the web, termed Web3 or Web 3.0, which is essentially the ability for users and machines to interact through peer-to-peer networks without the need for third parties. These “decentralised” networks empower end-users and communities are building their own digital asset economies with digital identity at the centre. This transformation of how we work and play is cumulating in the emerging “Metaverse”. Note that while there are metaverse-like experiences already and the space is growing at lightning speed, the full society transforming Metaverse with its powerful network effects is several years away.
Think of the emergence of the internet in the early 1990’s, those who had the vision of how it could transform every sector took opportunities while late adopters lost the race. No one could have possibly predicted every outcome but businesses and investors that took the time to educate themselves and position themselves correctly were rewarded. The same principles apply to Blockchain technology today.
Date Training Execution
1 Training = Twice 1/2 day online
++ Mo. 21st Aug. 9:00 – 12:30 CET
++ Tue. 22nd Aug. 9:00 – 12:30 CET
Click here to see: Further Internal Audit Training
Conditions and Price
The participation for 21st/ 22nd Aug, costs a total of 390,- Euro / US-Dollar according to preferential conditions. For all international countries we do not charge VAT in B2B based on reverse tax charge procedures. After receipt of your registration you will receive a confirmation of registration and a separate email invoice and login. Please pay the registration fee directly. You will receive a separate invoice by email. The price includes the participation in the lectures of the booked event and training documents.
You can cancel up to one week before the event free of charge. Thereafter or if the participant fails to attend, we will charge the entire participation fee. Of course it is possible to change the registered participant. The training fee must be paid before the training event.
Didactics | Methodology
We train you and your team on-site, or we can train you online worldwide in the form of a Virtual Training Series: Interactive lecture, discussion, practical example, case studies, reflection.
After entering your contact data, we are happy to support you in a timely manner and will be in touch with you within the next 48 hours.